For Young & Early Career Scholars

IAFFE's Young Scholars Committee is a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to creating a welcoming and supportive space for those who self-identify as early-career researchers or are new to the world of feminist economics. We understand that navigating the academic landscape can be challenging, and we're here to help you connect with like-minded individuals who share your interests and aspirations.

These are some of the programs and initiatives we have in store to foster a sense of community and collaboration:

  • Online Events: The Young Scholars Committee, in collaboration with the Online Events Committee, organizes a variety of events tailored for young and early career scholars. These events aim to facilitate engaging dialogues, provide support, and integrate participants into the IAFFE community.
  • Monthly Reading Group: Engage in stimulating discussions with your peers by participating in our Monthly Reading Group. This is a fantastic opportunity to explore key texts and delve deeper into the world of feminist economics. Stay tuned for details on upcoming sessions.
  • Mentorship Program: We are currently piloting our Mentorship Program, which aims to connect early career scholars with experienced mentors in the field. This mentorship provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights, guidance, and support as you progress in your academic and professional journey.

To stay updated on our programs and announcements, please complete this form. We look forward to having you as part of our growing community and working together to advance IAFFE’s mission.


 Young Scholar Star of the Month: June - July 2024 


Personal Information

Name:  Noelia Méndez Santolaria
Country of origin:  Argentina
Tell us something we don’t know about you. A fun fact!: I’m always crafting something pottery, macrame, watercolors... and I am passionate about detective novels.
Which is your preference Music or Movie? I’m a movie fan and terrible for music, I'd rather hear the radio 
To not see or to not hear? I REALLY hope to keep good eyesight, as my hearing is not very good.
Heels or boots? Sneakers!
Water or juice? Water
Hiking or video game? To be honest, I really cannot say I practice any of those in my free time, I rather drink mate while having a chat with family or friends
Social media account details
I don’t use social media much lately as I feel they have lost their ability to connect people but anyway, for now, you can find me on Twitter: @mendezsantola_n 


Work and Research

Which institution(s) are you currently affiliated with?

I don’t have an institutional affiliation right now, I work as an independent consultant for various international, governmental, and civil society organizations and my research focuses on macro issues, fiscal and tax policy from the perspective of feminist economics

Title of recently published paper, abstract, and link to the paper:

My last paper,  published in a Tax and Financial Law Journal, was a critique of contributory capacity from a feminist perspective, which I wrote with a Mexican college student, Andrea Larios Campos. 


Legal objections about the representativeness of the measures we commonly use to estimate the contributive capacity of each person are common and, as several authors point out (Freedman, 2022; O'Donnell,2020; Ayala Rojas, 2022) in Argentina there is a normative body and jurisprudence that urges the use of affirmative action measures when people with apparent equal economic capacity find themselves in an unequal situation before the taxable event. This means the introduction of exceptional inequalities in favor of less favored groups, to even the balance and ensure the full enjoyment of rights to all people. However, this traditional approach to contributory capacity, as it is based on monetary/market exchanges, leaves women in a deficit position since it makes invisible the contribution made by the care economy to society. This article critically reviews the concept of contributive capacity from a feminist economics perspective and makes recommendations to transform the tax system in Argentina into a tool for redistribution, real equality, and the constitution of care societies. You can find the article here (in Spanish) 

Any conference participation, recognition, service to community (through CSOs or yourself), or an achievement you want to share? 
Last year, along with other fellow young scholar committee member and dear friend Anto Gervagi, we were awarded the Alfo Ferrer Prize for our work on the importance of fiscal federalism for the construction of a comprehensive care system in the country. It was the first prize I ever received for my work as an economist! You can check out the pics here: read the published article here: 

Involvement with IAFFE

How long have you been a member of IAFFE and YSC?: 

I have been a member since 2021. After first participating in the conference (that was virtual that year after the pandemic) I felt that I belonged somehow within the community and approached another Argentinian friend that I knew was part of YSC. She welcomed me to join. It has been a fun, challenging, and enriching experience.

If you are voted President of IAFFE, what will be the first 3 things you would do?

Encourage the production and promotion of knowledge and content produced in Spanish; II) Foster regional activity and regional ties; III) Host a conference in my beloved Buenos Aires

What would be the first thing you do if elected as the YSC Chair?

I would do my best to create a welcoming and nurturing space for its members that can serve as a first approach to the association but also as a platform for mainstreaming their voices, experiences, and projects within IAFFE.
Find the time to get more involved with some of the activities, instead of focusing on the project management side of things.

What would you say is your biggest achievement since being a member of YSC?

Well, I don’t know if this can be considered an “achievement” but the thing I treasure the most is the people I got to know in the YSC and the fact that in some cases I got to call them my friends.

Where do you see YSC in the next 5 years?

I hope it remains being a welcoming place to approach and enable the participation of new generations in the association. The way IAFFE works and the fact that most of the conversations happen in a language that may not be your mother tongue makes it quite tricky to integrate. I found YSC a place where I can meet up with peers and reflect on feminism, academy, our challenges, and our goals in a global organization, how to empower our voices and always plotting on how to make room for more plural participation. I hope that in 5 years from now, the YSC will keep doing that.