Thank you for your interest in the 33rd IAFFE Annual Conference, which will take place from July 3-5, 2025, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Read the full Call for Papers here

Please read carefully through the submission guidelines before you start your submission for IAFFE's 2025 annual Conference.

Submission Deadline: November 17, 2024 (no extensions will be given)

Conference Schedule

  • July 2 – Pre-Conference & Mentoring Workshop

  • July 3 – Opening plenary, Local plenary, Opening reception and Conference parallel sessions

  • July 4 – Conference parallel sessions, Membership Meeting and  Conference dinner

  • July 5 – Conference parallel sessions, Closing plenary

Travel Grants 
For information on travel grants, please visit the Travel Grants Page 

Submitted Papers/Organized Sessions/Panels/Roundtables

  • Most sessions will be in-person only; some will be remote-only. 

  • Submitters are welcome to submit abstracts in the Spanish track. Please note that the language used for the abstract submission will be considered the language of the final presentation. All papers within a session will follow the same language track, ensuring consistency. Therefore, abstracts submitted in Spanish will be assigned to a Spanish-language session.

  • All presenters/panelists must register for the Conference regardless of in-person or remote participation to confirm their participation. 

  • When submitting your paper, poster, organized session, roundtable/panel, you will need to indicate:

    • if your presenters will be in-person or if they will participate remotely.

    • if you require interpretation and if so what language(s)

  • We welcome organized session submissions with only 3 presenters/papers. It will give the Paper Selection Committee the opportunity to add a fourth paper or presenter to your session from the paper-only submissions, particularly by young scholars.

  • If submitting an organized session or a panel/roundtable, please consider including a presenter/participant who is a young scholar.

Poster Sessions 

  • Poster exhibits will be accessible during Conference hours on July 3, 4  and 5.

  • A Poster Session chaired by the Conference Chair, Lee Badgett will be organized during the conference. Poster presenters must be available at the Poster Session in-person to introduce and present their poster to the jury and answer questions about it.

  • Logistics

    • All posters must adhere to template/guidelines set by IAFFE. (See Conference webpage.)

    • Accepted posters will be printed by IAFFE and posted at the conference venue.

    • Submitters should follow the standard format and submit a 400-word abstract detailing their poster. Please note that final poster submission is mandatory for the conference.

    • Deadline for submitting the final poster in required format to IAFFE: June 14, 2025.