Rhonda Williams Prize

In remembrance of Rhonda Williams, who served as associate editor of Feminist Economics from 1994 to 1998, IAFFE instituted the Rhonda Williams Prize to support scholars from underrepresented groups within IAFFE. This award aims to enable these scholars, whose work embodies the spirit of Rhonda Williams' legacy in scholarship and activism, to attend the annual IAFFE Conference and present their papers. 

See below for the 2025 Call for Applications!

 The 2025 Rhonda Williams Prize Call for Applications

Sponsored by Routledge/Taylor and Francis, publisher of Feminist Economics

In memory of Rhonda Williams, associate editor of Feminist Economics from 1994 to 1998, the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) has established a prize to help scholars whose work reflects Rhonda Williams's legacy of scholarship and activism, attend the annual IAFFE conference and present a paper. The prize is targeted to scholars from demographic groups not well represented in IAFFE and who do not have access to funding that is targeted to scholars from the South, such as northern-based scholars from the African Diaspora, indigenous communities and other underrepresented groups. 

Amount: $2,000 to be awarded at the 33rd IAFFE Annual Conference in Amherst, United States, 3-5 July 2025 (Conference information is at https://www.iaffe.org/umass-amherst-2025)The funds are intended to partially defray travel costs to attend the annual conference. The award winner will also receive a registration fee waiver for the 33rd IAFFE Annual Conference.

Application Deadline: Sunday, November 24, 2024

Criteria: The recipient's activism, advocacy, and scholarship should demonstrate a commitment to inequalities based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality; interrelationships among racism, sexism, homophobia, and classism; or connections between scholarship and activism.

This Prize is targeted at activists and scholar-activists, who, as noted above, are from groups not well represented in IAFFE, with limited access to travel funds from their home institutions or international funders. The recipient of the prize must present a paper at the IAFFE conference (the paper must separately be submitted for inclusion in the conference program at the conference website) and also be submitted to Feminist Economics within a reasonable period after the conference. The paper will undergo an expedited review process, but publication is not guaranteed.

Application Process:

Applications should be submitted using this submission form and should include:

(1) A cover letter/email that includes a statement of (a) the connection between the applicant's experience and the Rhonda Williams’ legacy as described in the criteria above; and (b) how the applicant would bring diversity to IAFFE and how the applicant would like to be engaged with IAFFE in the future.

(2) A curriculum vitae or resume.

(3) A draft of a full paper (not an abstract or outline) for the 2025IAFFE conference, scheduled for 3-5 July 2025 in Amherst, United States.

Please submit the entire application as a single file in either Microsoft Word or PDF format, labeled as "RWP2025_<applicantlastname>".

Please be sure that all materials are sent. Applicants who omit any of the three items listed above may not be considered for the prize.

Applicants must also submit their papers, via the conference website, to be considered for the Prize. The Prize winner will be allowed to register for the annual conference and will be included in the conference program after being notified of the Prize.

If you are not an IAFFE member for 2024-2025 please send in your membership application prior to submission of your Prize application. Join or renew at https://www.iaffe.org/become-a-member

Please direct any questions to Elissa Braunstein, Chair, Rhonda William Prize Committee, at [email protected].

Submission form

Past winners:

2016 - E. Katharina Sarter, Glasgow Caledonian University | Transforming Competition to Foster Gender Equality?
2015 - Sakshi Khurana, V.V. Giri National Labour Institute | Work, Employment, and Resistance: Experiences of Garment Workes in Delhi